
Calendar of Events

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Today's Calendar of Events List on WLCT COUNTRY 102.1


American Legion post 117 meets every 3rd Tuesday at 5pm at the VFW Hall.

Lafayette Lions Club will have a Steak Sandwich Sale, March 21st from 10-2pm at Wal-Mart. The meal will be $12 which includes a steak sandwich, chips, drink and dessert. Hamburger and Hotdog meals are $8 per meal. Delivery available inside of city limits with preorders. Preorders are being accepted now by calling Spankie at 615-670-1829.

The 2025 Hilltop Market Sale will be Saturday from 9-5pm at 415 Hillcrest Drive in Red Boiling Springs. Admission is $3 per person. They’ll have over 40 vendors, handmade crafts, food, boutiques, silent auction and much more! All funds raised go to the school.

Lafayette United Methodist Church will have their monthly food giveaway, Thursday from noon until 2pm.

The Macon County Planning Commission will meet, Tuesday night at 6pm at the Macon County Welcome Center.

The Lafayette Regional Planning Commission and the Lafayette Board of Zoning Appeals meetings will be Tuesday evening at 5pm at Lafayette City Hall.

The Macon County Public Library System will have a Composting 101 Class with Lisa Luck Saturday. The Red Boiling Spring Branch Library’s class will be at 10am and the Macon County Public Library’s class will be at 12pm. This class is free and open to the public.

The Macon County Legislative Body will meet in Regular Session, Monday night at 6:30pm.

Lafayette Masonic Lodge #543 will have a Chili Supper at 600 Mag-a-Mor Drive, Saturday night at 6pm. Donations will be accepted for the lodge and its charities.

Maple Grove #2 Missionary Baptist Church has Sunday School at 10am followed by worship service at 11am and Bro Christian Rittenberry will preach Sunday night at 6pm.

Bro James Harrison will preach at Rocky Mound Missionary Baptist Church, Sunday night at 6pm.

Bro Barry Davenport will preach at Russell Hill Missionary Baptist Church, Sunday at 11am.

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231 Chaffin Road
Lafayette, TN 37083
Phone: (615) 666-2169
Fax: (615) 666-8056